Only a week left to enter our 10th anniversary contest

Hello everyone.
We are only a few weeks away from our special 10th anniversary Harbolt Company zoom group. Be sure and mark your calendar for August 10th. We will post the invite when it gets a little closer. We will be having a special group to celebrate our 10 years of being in business. We will have free giveaways that you will need to be present to win. We will also have some live auctions of some really great stuff and we will have some special 10th anniversary swag for you to purchase to celebrate with us. You will not want to miss this group. It will be a lot of fun.
We have another 10th anniversary contest that we are running where you don’t have to be present to win. That deadline is coming up in a week on August 1. If you haven’t done so, you can submit an audio recording of 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length talking about a positive experience you have had with the Harbolt Company over the last 10 years. It could be a special item, a special story or instance, or just a shout out or congrats. We will play these in the group on August 10 and we will randomly choose someone who has submitted an audio recording and that person will win a 10th anniversary prize pack valued at $100 or more. You have a little more than a week to get us your entry. Good luck to all who enters.



The Harbolt Company

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